Could A Simple Breath Test Change Your Life Forever???
You would never know it, but Canada has one of the highest rates of IBS in the world! More than 5 million Canadians suffer with IBS. You may even be one of them and not know it! What is IBS exactly? If you suffer from… cramping and pain in your belly; bloating and gassiness; changes…

Are Your Supplements Working? Try This Simple Test and Find Out!
Most new patients who come to see me are already taking vitamin supplements. In fact, they’re usually taking the right supplements! The problem is they either are not taking a strong enough dose in order to have a therapeutic effect, or their supplements are not dissolving and end up in the toilet instead of their…

Why You Can’t Lose Weight: Part 2 with Dr. Raynette Ilg, ND
In this episode of The Functional Medicine Radio Show, Dr. Carri’s special guest Dr. Raynette Ilg, ND (aka: Dr. Ray) discusses Part 2 of why you can’t lose weight. Dr. Ray explains how finding and addressing the root cause of your weight problem can tip the scales (no pun intended!) in the right direction. She…

A Miserable Married Couple – B12 & Fatigue
Nutrient deficiencies can be one of the greatest contributors to fatigue – even if you’ve been to your doctor and ‘all your tests are normal’. I routinely find at least one of these four nutrients as deficient in my fatigue patients: Vitamin B12 Vitamin D Magnesium Iron What I find interesting, though, is most fatigue…

Why You Can’t Lose Weight: Part 1 with Dr. Raynette Ilg, ND
In this episode of The Functional Medicine Radio Show, Dr. Carri’s special guest Dr. Raynette Ilg, ND (aka: Dr. Ray) discusses the underlying reasons why you can’t lose weight. Dr. Ray explains how finding and addressing the root cause of your weight problem can tip the scales (no pun intended!) in the right direction. She…

She Didn’t Think ‘The-Worst-Migraine-Ever’ Was Curable…Until We Did It!
Jennifer still holds the record in my office for the worst migraine ever. Her story starts with this email she sent me on a Sunday night… “I was given your name by one of your patients, and I am hoping that you could help me with my migraines. I am 27 years old and suffer…

Is the #1 Most Common Reason for Weight Gain During Menopause Avoidable?
Are you going through menopause? Have you noticed gaining a few extra pounds lately? If so, then you should know that you’re not alone. Weight gain is one of the most common symptoms of menopause. While this occurrence may be less than delightful (unless you are one of those super-skinny women that are always begging…

Proven Remedies for Curing Migraine Headaches
Chances are if you are reading this article you or somebody you know suffers from migraine headaches. You are not alone. More than 14% of Canadians suffer from migraine headaches. The hallmark of this type of headache is moderate to severe throbbing pain on one side of the head. Along with the throbbing people often…

Estrogen Deficiency – What are the symptoms?
Estrogen deficiency is all too common in women. Wondering if you suffer from estrogen deficiency? Check out this list of signs and symptoms from the book Natural Hormone Balance for Women – Look Younger, Feel Stronger, and Live Life with Exuberance by Uzzi Reiss, MD/OB-GYN: Mental fogginess. “I’ve lost my mind.” Forgetfulness. “I can’t remember…

5 Secrets to Curing IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
If you suffer from: cramping and pain in your abdomen; bloating and gassiness; changes in bowel habits; diarrhea or constipation, or both alternately; immediate need to move your bowels when you wake up in the morning or during or after meals; relief of pain after bowel movements; or mucus in your stool; and all of your…