Top News: Dr. Carri is #1 in Ontario
I have some exciting news to share with you. It’s a personal goal and a professional achievement that I’ve been working on since 2018. I’ve gone through four levels of advanced training with exams in between, in order to achieve my certification. Certification means you’re considered a Master and an Authority in this area.…

Not Feeling Like Your Self? You May Be Low in Progesterone
(And here’s what you can do about it…) Tell me if this sounds familiar… You are a woman in your late 30’s to mid 40’s, and you haven’t been feeling like yourself lately. You’re having trouble sleeping… you’re moody…maybe even feeling stressed and anxious. You’re snapping at your kids, your colleagues and your partner. At…
How to Get Properly Tested for Yeast Infection
In my last article I talked about the symptoms of a yeast infection. In this article I’ll dive in a little deeper and talk about the underlying triggers for yeast infections and how to get properly tested for yeast infection. You see, Functional Medicine is always about finding the cause. I like to say: Find…

What Causes Extreme Fatigue?
What causes extreme fatigue? Extreme fatigue can have many and diverse root causes. Some important ones include: #1 – Hormones From a hormonal standpoint, when the hormones are in balance you will feel your best – no matter what challenges life throws at you – and you have the energy to tackle those challenges head…

What are Symptoms of A Yeast Infection?
Yeast infections are very common infections. What are Symptoms of A Yeast Infection? Sometimes they are obvious – in other words, you can probably Google it and diagnose yourself. Some are not so obvious – hence what prompted me to write this article. Let’s talk about the obvious ones first. What are Symptoms of a Yeast…

What Causes Chronic Fatigue
Understanding Chronic Fatigue What causes chronic fatigue is a tricky question that we’re going to take a look at for today’s article. Modern western medicine often likes to be able to point to one specific incident, gene or issue when addressing an illness or disease, but this isn’t always plausible. This is because our bodies…

Staying Clean in a Toxic World (Part 4 of 4)
Can you detox through food alone? To a certain degree a detox can be done through food alone. However… The diet must be focused on detoxification, as opposed to say a clean diet for detox – that diet unfortunately shifts them into the acid side of pH with the addition of targeted nutrients. As they…

Staying Clean in a Toxic World (Part 3 of 4)
To fast or not to fast? With regards to detoxification, this is an important clinical question. Under ideal circumstances… (Say a person is very well nourished and they have good body stores of all the different nutrients floating around in their tissues, blood and cells) Fasting would lower the load on the body of various…

Staying Clean in a Toxic World (Part 2 of 4)
In Part 1 we talked about harmful substances, the environment and getting rid of them. Now we will get to the good stuff…. Where the MAGIC happens. The liver is mainly where the magic happens. It produces lots of enzymes that detoxify foreign substances. There’s actually a whole spectrum of enzymes produced and each have…

Staying Clean in a Toxic World (Part 1 of 4)
Staying clean in a toxic world? Hah! You say. Well, we do live in a very toxic and chemical-laden society. Since the introduction of petrochemicals and the like since the 1950’s, we’ve been bombarded with toxins on a daily basis. Do not despair! There is hope of minimizing the effects of our daily chemical blast.…