Functional Medicine VS Autoimmune Disease: Part 3
In Part 2 we talked about getting rid of the bad and putting in the good. What’s bad and what’s good? The first item on the bad list is FOOD. Gluten and dairy top the list with grains following close behind. These are the things I always start with. The second is LEAKY GUT. Some…
Functional Medicine VS Autoimmune Disease: Part 2
The framework of Functional Medicine is the method we have for figuring out what the causes of disease are, and for now we’ll stick with the autoimmune example. Case in point, one patient was experiencing Hashimoto’s, fatigue, arthritis, migraines and irritable bowel syndrome. According to their tests, they had very high anti-gliadin antibodies in the…
Functional Medicine VS Autoimmune Disease: Part 1
There are a myriad of causes for autoimmunity. It can even affect people who were once super healthy. “How can this be?” you may be asking yourself. Well, there are several underlying causes. The trick is to do some detective work to get to the bottom of it, find the root cause and fix the…
How Antibiotics Might Be Making You Sick & Tired
Think about this: Usually when women take antibiotics, they end up with a vaginal yeast infection, right? This is because the antibiotics killed off the bad bacteria and a whole bunch of the good bacteria too. If you have a vaginal yeast infection, you’re lucky—in the sense that you’ve found the yeast infection. But what…
How Doctors Keep Getting It Wrong About Fatigue
Thousands of women (and men!) suffer with fatigue, yet are commonly told by their doctors, “All your tests are normal,” except that their fatigue continues to get worse. They’re even told: “You just need a vacation,” or “You’re depressed,” or “It’s all in your head,” or Or other such nonsense. Eventually they feel their doctors…
How to be a Health Detective: Learn the Strategy the Functional Medicine Docs Use
Today I promise to share a tool with you that Functional Medicine Doctors use to try and solve your case. The reality is the job of a doctor is a lot like being a detective. So I really do consider myself like a CSI health detective – to try and find the little clues that…
Shocking Evidence That “Mutant” Pizza Can Make You Sick And Tired. Want Anchovies With That?
Hidden food allergies and sensitivities are known as the “great mimickers.” A food allergy or sensitivity can trigger any symptom in your body, including your fatigue! Here is a little secret that most doctors aren’t even aware of – most labs will use foods in their RAW form to test with. This is fine for…
Want To Knock That Fatigue Out Of You? Try Boxing. (Yes, Boxing!)
It may seem kind of strange that you’re trying to stop being so sick and tired, and then I turn around and recommend boxing. Boxing is great vitamin R! (Vitamin R = Rest, Relaxation, and Recreation!) I personally don’t like yoga. I have little flexibility in my body, so I find yoga to be nothing…
What Are The Leading (And Surprising) Causes Of Fatigue?
I’ve discovered fourteen causes for fatigue. Inside my book, “Reclaim Your Energy and Feel Normal Again!” I delve into the first eight on my list, since they apply to the majority of you suffering with fatigue. Here they are for you. I call this is my Basic Fatigue List. Anemia Thyroid Problems Cortisol Imbalance Blood…
Why Your “Normal” Thyroid Might Not be Normal—Part Three
Welcome to part three of “Why Your ‘Normal’ Thyroid Might Not be Normal.” The last two articles discussed why “normal” thyroid function, as determined through a blood test, may not mean your thyroid is functioning adequately; and how to do a simple at-home test to evaluate things further. This article will explain what you can…