Drinking for Abundant Energy

What you drink is just as important as what you eat. Let’s face it—most of us are dehydrated. We just don’t drink enough water. And this will cause fatigue. And headaches. And foggy brain. And dizziness.   “Not drinking enough water is one of the commonest causes of unwellness…chronic dehydration is a major cause of…

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Healing Chronic Skin Conditions with Herbs with Holly Bellebuono

In this episode of The Functional Medicine Radio Show, Dr. Carri’s special guest Holly Bellebuono discusses simple strategies for easing chronic skin conditions with herbal treatments. Holly provides some great tips on the natural herbal treatments for common skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, and rashes. She helps people overcome long-term skin conditions, leaving steroids and…

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A Sure-Fire Formula for Success… Do What the Functional Medicine Docs Do

I’m going to share something mind-blowingly brilliant with you: Food should be your medicine – not your poison. (Okay, truth be told I know you already know this which makes you just as brilliant as ME!) You probably think it’s impossible to change your diet. I’m living proof that it’s NOT. You can do it.…

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3 Ways to Test for Hidden Infections – Which One Do You Need?

Hidden infections are actually very common and can be the underlying root cause of: By hidden infection I mean a chronic, silent, underlying infection deep in your body. This can be from: too much bad bacteria; a parasite infestation; yeast overgrowth; and not enough good bacteria (probiotics). Testing for Hidden Infections: Stool Testing The easiest…

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Eat Right for Great Thyroid Health with Magdalena Wszelaki

In this episode of The Functional Medicine Radio Show, Dr. Carri’s special guest Magdalena Wszelaki discusses how to eat right for great thyroid health. Magdalena shares her personal thyroid story and provides some great tips for those suffering with hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s. She’s had a long history of hormonal challenges from a highly stressful life…

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Do You Have Any of These Signs Of Hidden Infections?

Have you ever had food poisoning? Have you ever had a twenty-four-hour flu or the stomach flu? Have you traveled outside of the country and gotten really sick? Do you have a history of repeated antibiotic use? Answering yes to one of these questions may be the clue to solving your health problem – especially…

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Your Thyroid is Normal. Now Stop Your Complaining and Get Out of My Office…

Women ask me. Men ask me. Every day I am asked about thyroid problems. These people aren’t “crazy”. Their problem isn’t “all in their head”. People are frustrated! Basically, they have been told “your thyroid is normal”…even though they have many of the classic symptoms of a low thyroid. OR… They have been diagnosed with…

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Overcoming Anxiety and Emotional Eating with Food and Nutrients with Trudy Scott

In this episode of The Functional Medicine Radio Show, Dr. Carri’s special guest Trudy Scott discusses how to overcome anxiety and emotional eating with food and nutrients. Trudy provides some great tips on uncovering the reasons for why so many people suffer with anxiety, and explains why it’s important to get to the root, underlying…

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We’ve Hit a New Low!

Well, it finally happened. And you never know who it will be either. Or, when it will happen. He came in to see me and didn’t have a whole lot to complain about – restless legs syndrome and allergies. If I could help either of those he would be grateful. But really, all he wanted…

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These Tips Will Have You Sleeping Like a Baby

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